Our Mission

The Mission of the Svoboda Alliance SA and other States Associations:

  1. To promote universal human rights among the Russian-speaking residents of Australia and New Zealand in line with Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and related international agreements ratified by Australia and New Zealand.
  2. To facilitate the connection between these universal values and Australian society.
  3. To represent members and communities who share these values, and to support their social, cultural, and political activities.
  4. To foster relations with other ethnic communities, develop joint initiatives of mutual benefit promoting tolerance and multiculturalism.
  5. To defend human rights comprising but not limited to economic, social, cultural, civil rights and political freedoms, worldwide, and to expose violations of these rights to governments, media, and society at large.

The Objectives of the Associations:

  1. To hold Fund-Raising Campaigns to support the Association mission.
  2. To support like-minded communities, associations, and projects.
  3. To organise actions of solidarity with, and support to, human rights movements around the globe.
  4. To organise and support initiatives, such as petitions, charitable events, and representations to Australian and international authorities, aimed at promoting human rights and freedoms, protecting victims of human rights violations, and exposing the perpetrators.